News on site


Auch in diesem Jahr ist der ORNAMIN Werksverkauf ein Treffpunkt der Aktion 24 Adventsfenster für Rodenbeck. Am 2. Dezember leuchten die Fenster an der Kuckuckstraße 20a-24 von 18 bis 21 Uhr und heißen Dich herzlich zu stimmungsvollem Beisammensein und Geschenkeshopping willkommen. Das Werksverkauf -Team unterstützt Dich gerne bei der Auswahl Deiner letzten Weihnachtsgeschenke. Außerdem warten Glühwein, Kinderpunsch und kleine weihnachtliche Leckereien darauf, restlos verputzt zu werden. Abgerundet mit weihnachtlicher Musik im Hintergrund kommt an diesem Abend echte Weihnachtsstimmung in der ehemaligen Lagerhalle auf.

ORNAMIN Coffee To go Mehrwegbecher Great Gloria weihnachtlich Dekoriert
ORNAMIN Werksverkauf neu renoviert von innen


Sustainable shopping at special prices at the ORNAMIN factory outlet in Minden. Whether your focus is on To Go products, children's items, camping or care tableware - there is something for everyone here.

Opening hours

Mon – Thurs 9am - 5pm
Fri 9am - 3pm


Take a look behind the scenes and discover honest sustainability. During the tour, you will learn about the individual processes from the raw material to the product in your hands.

Register for the tour
Frau hält Granulat in Händen


Ornamin provides career guidance for pupils at many schools in the region. Internships and job interviews are prioritised for designated partner schools.

On-site training is a fundamental aspect of personnel development at Ornamin and plays a major role in everyday life.

Supporting local cultural events - whether classical orchestral music or a rock festival - as a sponsor, Ornamin attaches great importance to regional projects.

In cooperation with local social welfare organisations and charities, Ornamin gives people who have difficulties securing a place in the regular labour market a second chance, a job and financial and administrative support in finding accommodation, banks, insurance companies and much more.

In recent years, many refugees have been employed at Ornamin and have also received active support with naturalisation procedures, finding accommodation, German language courses and much more.

Ornamin works with regional workshops for people with disabilities when support is needed for assembly work.